Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Getting Creamed

Listening to: Joe Pass, Blues For Fred

The competitive leg of the 'Y' chromosome tells me that the votes I'm getting for this Best of Blogs contest aren't enough to make me much of a contender. A can of Ass Whup has my name on it. I shouldn't worry about it but... yeah, it's a male thing.

Doesn't help that I'm not posting much. Actually, I've been working on a verrrrry long post and I hope to finish that by thise evening. Unfortunately, it's not the kind of post that will boost me in the running. You'll see my mood all over it, a mood that started when Marni woke me up at 5:30 this morning spewing hunks of fruit cup and hot dogs all over her bedding... and then mine.

You can improve my mood, though, by going and voting for me. Sitting in the basement... well, it's dark and cold down here!

Besides, who else warns you about upcoming depressing posts?

1 comment:

brettdl said...

Hey, I feel your can of Whup Ass, since I'm (Dadtalk.net) sharing the bottom with you. But on to important matters: our son made a similar mess on our sheets just a few days ago, but it was macroni and cheese with hot dogs. Warning! Our son seemed fine for a few days then unloaded beef taquitos on the bed. Our washing machine still hasn't caught up with all the additional laundry.

Good luck in the contest!