Monday, April 09, 2007


A-hyep, thass me, tard.

Spent my morning on the job track (the job I mentioned a week or so back fell through, yet more evidence for my theory of "blog jinx") and a lovely afternoon doing yard work for the Rents. Then more job stuff. My necktie (*gasp!*) is still on, too tired to take it off.

So... you mixmania! fiends will have to wait another day or so before I match everyone and mail them out. There's an ever ripening pineapple in the kitchen that I'm too tired to slice and eat, much less toss out with the trash.


1 comment:

Mamacita (The REAL one) said...

I love fresh pineapple. . . .it makes me remember campfires and Yellowood Lake and orange peelings in the fire, turning the flames into a rainbow. . . .